Hello there, my dear reader!

I am grateful to have you here with me. Can we take a moment to unwind and enjoy each other's company? Let's imagine ourselves by a warm fire, sipping on some tea or coffee. I would love to share a little bit about myself with you, if that's okay because it's gonna be boring.

I am passionate about exploring new topics and sharing my knowledge with others. I have a background in economics, copywriting, and a love for self-improvement, which has led me to teaching in Thailand.

I believe in Karma and almighty universal intelligence as such.

In my life, I often contemplated becoming a hermit due to my lack of interest in things that fascinated others. However, I met individuals who made me realize that this easy path led to a life of isolation. It takes more effort to grow spiritually while still being a part of society and contributing to its betterment. So, I hope to remain healthy and bring not only joy but also warmth to your heart.

I'm kind of Psycho or a medium. Or a psychic on Medium. I am still unable to fully comprehend English at this time, you know.

My humble three degrees.

I pursued my little passion for economics and studied for five years to become an Economist specializing in the field of World Economy. I graduated with honors.

Then continued my education by studying for another 3 years to become a Logistician in the field of Economics and Logistics. I then pursued a Master's degree in finance, which took me several more years of study. I'm very thankful for the experience I have gained.


For five years, I worked in the Treasury Department of a major Eastern European bank while simultaneously pursuing my studies through distance learning.

Currently, I have been serving in a Thai school for 8 years, and I am starting to feel fatigued. However, I stay positive and hopeful for what tomorrow may bring.

During my time as a teacher in Thailand, I took on freelance writing projects for various travel websites. I created content in the form of blog posts, travel guides, and reviews. Writing about Thailand came naturally to me, and I gained valuable skills and experience.

I am now able to express my ideas and connect with readers, eliciting a range of emotions from joy to sorrow by conveying my thoughts and life experiences in my own style.

After all, Life is like a Tragic Comedy - full of contrasts and dualities.

Who is my reader?

I have a feeling that my writing style would be well-received by someone with a keen sense of humor and a compassionate heart. It is quite possible that my reader enjoys perusing through my articles before retiring for the night.

I believe that my readers can be of any gender. Although my page has a bright and contrasting design style, along with its photos, it reflects my individuality and my openness to different perspectives. My ultimate goal is to promote peace and harmony through my content. Through my stories, I aim to showcase acceptance toward diverse individuals and beliefs as well. I envision that my reader takes pleasure in contemplating the substance of my writing and places a high value on authenticity.

What do I write about?

(Education and Self-development, including Philosophy, Religion, Ethics, and Psychology; plus some Humorous Stories from time to time 😇)

I am driven to share my thoughts on education, with a focus on the ethical and existential aspects. While I touch on AI in terms of self-development when necessary, I understand that my lengthy articles may not appeal to those with a specific interest in the subject. Regarding self-improvement, I frequently explore spiritual growth and personal development. As I am a thinker, it is difficult to describe all the areas I am going to touch upon.

I convey my thoughts metaphorically, somewhere literally, but in a way that's easy and interesting to read.

Above all, I aim to infuse my stories with positivity and hope, even when they touch on darker themes. My goal is to create uplifting and thought-provoking tales that inspire readers. Although some of my stories may be melancholic, they always contain elements of a dreamer because I'm a dreamer.

I'm a cheerful melancholic, I'm a sad funny guy.

My passport says I'm 36, but my soul says I'm a million years old.

If you've read this far, it's likely that you're already one of my readers or interested in becoming one.

Follow me, my friend!


My modest page on Amazon:

Medium member since July 2023
Editor of Awoken and Aniverse Art
Alex Baidun

Alex Baidun


Book Author

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜